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Portugal - Surfing!

Publicerad 2016-09-06 11:37:52 i Allmänt,

I want to tell you about my trip to Portugal this summer, I can start with - It was amazing!
I always wanted to surf and now when I've done it I LOVE IT!
I took a flight from Gothenburg - Madrid and then Finally Lissabon. From there I jumped on a bus to the silvercoast and Baleal. I arrived at the Freesurf Camp and hostel, I booked a room at for 9 nights and when I got there I felt so welcome. The first night we had some cheese and wine and Maria who owned the hostel cooked dinner and I felt so welcome, It was like coming home to your family.
The next day I started surfing and it was so much fun but hard. The waves came fast and often I think I swallowed 3 liters of ocean water that day. The next day the waves were better and I started to go with the ocean instead of against it. The following week I surfed every day. My last day was amazing I followed a guy named Fransisco out to the really big waves and he coached me to catch some and I catched one really big and I rode it all the way in to the beach.
My week at the hostel was amazing I came back from the surfing at night and then we went out for dinner, we cooked dinner, we drank wine and had a barbeque. I made friends for life and I can't wait to go back there next year <3
I miss Portugal and all the beautiful people there!


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Jag är en tjej på 28 år som lever ett aktivt liv med resor, OCR, bergsklättring och sportklättring, marathon och ultralopp, motorcyklar, dykning, monté, snowboard, boxning och hundar. Följ gärna mig i jakten på mina toppar!

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