Portugal - Surfing!
I want to tell you about my trip to Portugal this summer, I can start with - It was amazing!
I always wanted to surf and now when I've done it I LOVE IT!
I took a flight from Gothenburg - Madrid and then Finally Lissabon. From there I jumped on a bus to the silvercoast and Baleal. I arrived at the Freesurf Camp and hostel, I booked a room at for 9 nights and when I got there I felt so welcome. The first night we had some cheese and wine and Maria who owned the hostel cooked dinner and I felt so welcome, It was like coming home to your family.
The next day I started surfing and it was so much fun but hard. The waves came fast and often I think I swallowed 3 liters of ocean water that day. The next day the waves were better and I started to go with the ocean instead of against it. The following week I surfed every day. My last day was amazing I followed a guy named Fransisco out to the really big waves and he coached me to catch some and I catched one really big and I rode it all the way in to the beach.
My week at the hostel was amazing I came back from the surfing at night and then we went out for dinner, we cooked dinner, we drank wine and had a barbeque. I made friends for life and I can't wait to go back there next year <3
I miss Portugal and all the beautiful people there!